Online support groups are a risky business; I modmin one of the larger brain cancer support groups on Facebook, and a specialty one for AYA brain cancer surivors, and I've been in and out of various in-person support groups, based on the specialty and the group make-up (that's the key, who regularly goes to any given support group). The online ones tend to vary between "hyper-moderated, filtered, sterile, and NO SCAMS," and, "The Wild West." Weirdly enough, there doesn't seem to be a third way, although I'm leaning on the modmin team I do work with to make it a little more spontaneous and genuine. There really is no replacement for an in-person group, and you might have to go a little further afield than just "colorectal cancer" or "AYA Cancer" survivor. My first genuine, "I have found my people" moment was actually after attending my current support group for almost two months, and then I saw another survivor do something I've done before and since, thanks to chemo - he yelped, grabbed his thigh, and started walking laps around the room. The real moment, for me, was that every single person kind of nodded in sympathy or empathy, and I realized, I was seeing through their eyes something I'd done many a time - get a sudden, weird leg cramp. I'd somehow internalized it and rationalized that I must be the only one with that issue, and, suddenly, I was on the other side of that thousand yard stare.