Yet Another Nazi Infestation

Patrick Koske-McBride
8 min readJan 20, 2021

As I wrote a while ago, Ripfort Tubbs (former president of the formerly-great nation, the United States of America) is dangerously bigoted, and, if not an outright Nazi, then, at least, Skinhead-adjacent. My warning at the time was that everyone in the majority should be extremely concerned, because social cannibalism never ends with the Vandals going home after deciding sacking Rome once was enough. No, murderous impulses tend to increase, and, eventually, consume everyone in society. 400,000 Americans and their families got a taste of that, which undoubtedly tipped the polls in Biden’s favor. But, really, the true, horrific underbelly of the American Dream came to dark fruition during the Capitol Siege.

I’ve tried to write about that incident calmly, and had to shred the drafts because I can not be objective. In the face of a uniquely American evil, no American can afford the luxury of neutrality. It is either you, or the fascist hordes living in this country. They made it clear that they have no problem lynching and terrorizing their former champions the minute those champions are seen as flawed humans, probably because the neo-Visigoths aren’t, in the strictest sense of the term, human, either. The 400000 dead Americans? The blood-crazed anarcho-fascist mobs on January 6? They are merely the tip of this country’s iceberg of brutality. They are what every disabled person, BIPOC, LGBT+, religious minority, or immigrant has seen in the terrible and great heart of this savage land.

As I pointed out elsewhere, the unique repugnance of Ivanka the Terrible is that every single human being, when thrown into a terrible situation beyond their comprehension, tries to help their fellows. I have never, ever personally witnessed an exception to this rule. Yes, Americans love to brutalize and murder and maim each other, but we love helping each other just as much. Or, at least, that was the collective lie we told ourselves until a fascist lynch mob went in search of King Fascist and Friends (that’s going to be a morning talk show on Fox in a year or two, bet on it), and now… now we have to deal with the unfortunate reality that the greatest threat to America is Americans. Or almost-Americans. You have to be human to count on the census, and, as I noted at the time, the one common thread uniting Donald and his private army is that they don’t see people in trouble and feel the need to help, which is distinctively not a human trait. In point of fact, the concept seems to confuse them. I’d bet on that statement because they trampled one of their own, carrying, ironically, a Gadsden flag (If you can’t chuckle about that, then you have some truly dark and dismal days ahead of you). The greatest threat to the law are the crooked cops who killed Breonna Taylor, and their so-called friends who took pictures of themselves climbing into windows to shit in the capitol building. That’s not me using language for shock value; there were smeared feces in the building, they literally climbed in there to shit the bed for the rest of us. If you are a cop and want to prove you’re a good cop, get in touch with IA and root out the bad ones. That blue wall of silence protects you only as long as someone with a Confederate Agenda doesn’t notice that your body armor doesn’t protect your back. You guys need to work with a quickness, if not for the safety of your professional reputation, then for your own safety. I sincerely hope that you get them all out of the force by next Monday; America’s existence may rely upon it.

I hope that the criminal justice system recognizes that domestic terror groups (including the Proud Boys, The Aryan Brotherhood, the Klan, Michigan’s assorted militias, and the armed, violent death cults that tend to spring up) are a genuine menace to society and go after them the same way they went after the guys behind the Oklahoma City Bombing. I hope they prosecute the guy who fixed Gavin McInnes’ tires on the way to the very first gathering of the Proud Boys for aiding and abetting. I hope we talk about “taking the death penalty off of the table” when the good cop leans in to talk to the guy who attempted to burn down a synagogue, in the same manner that black teenagers caught dealing hard stuff are threatened. It might seem odd for a self-identified leftist to advocate for the death penalty; well, it is. There are a few people —guys like Ted Bundy spring to mind — who absolutely must not be allowed loose in society, and, although I would like to see far higher standards of scrutiny in place before sending them to the electric chair, I could be open to the possibility. Again, I am absolutely not a disinterested observer, the Sedition Caucus helped move the GOP far more to the right than anyone feared, and I got to watch Congress vote on my life-saving benefits. Twice. Other than frantically confronting disinterested congressional aides who quietly told me that, as representatives of someone wielding enormous legislative power, there wasn’t anything they could do; there wasn’t much I could do. Hannah Arendt was a German-American sociologist who studied Nazi war criminals, most-notably Adolph Eichmann. She coined the term, “The banality of evil” after she realized that Eichmann’s self-view could not allow him to acknowledge — or see — the horrors he personally inflicted upon others. To him, a few million dead Slavs, Jews, Catholics, gays, cripples, and other subhumans was an unfortunate, but necessary price to pay for keeping the Teutonic Race pure and safe. The real genius of his horrendous Final Solution was to keep everyone compartmentalized so that only a few, chosen, stone-cold psychopaths had concrete evidence about their end goals, and they weren’t interested. Even though the rest of Germany wasn’t exactly innocent, the true depth and nature of their party’s genocidal depravity was kept from them, until the Allies showed up. I wonder if my grandfather — the son of European immigrants — who waded into the surf of Tarawa, would ever suspect that, while he fought Asian fascists, American fascists were breeding at home. I can’t imagine he’d be happy about that little flip; but, for those of us who have been forced into the margins of society, 1/6 was hardly a massive surprise (I mean, yeah, it was a surprise, in the exact same sense that I’ve been told, “You have a brain tumor” on three separate occasions, and it’s still somehow shocking); we all knew it was in the offing, we just didn’t expect it to be that day. Right behind Americans’ reactions of shocks; the Goths must have been amazed that day that the Republic left the gates to Rome open and unlocked. There was nary a centurion to be spotted.

Again; I hope men with guns are shooting at Richard Spencer for daring to hold a phone right now just as they do black teens with cell phones; I hope his family is so shamed that they have to change their names and move to Canada to live without threats and adoring fans with nooses. In short, may the justice meted out correspond with their treatment of their victims. That “eye for an eye” concept is still at the wretched heart of our injustice sytem, right? A white cop beats his wife to death, he gets executed. My bad, I’ll wait until you finish laughing. No, he’ll get a decent attorney, a paid leave of absence, and be back to shooting black kids in a month. If that joke rankles you, I’d suggest that the double-standards are what emboldened the fascist coup-attempt to the point where they took photos of themselves committing felonies and posted them online. Where was I? Right; if we adhere to the unwritten, guiding legal principle of “an eye for an eye,” I’d say that we can force every single scumbag to live outside of normal society. IF you’re particularly vicious, you could just shatter a few limbs, and drop them outside of a busy ER; that’s usually a permanent removal of privilege. I realize that might turn your stomach, but I’d encourage you to remember that the fascist hordes have no love for anything, not even themselves, and they will take your sympathy as a sign of weakness. They do not reform or learn; they simply wait for a chance to murder with impunity. A Nazi figuring out how to get disability benefits is preferable to them killing people, and it would automatically move them into my new form of capital punishment: de-stating them.

We’ve already figured out that vitriolic, inflammatory rhetoric has no place on social media, because that leads to lynch mobs, which are bad for humans. So, rather than face liability in expensive wrongful-death suits, the biggest tech companies have decided it’s less-risky to simply ban the Nazis. This, of course, means that Google, Twitter, Amazon, and Elon Musk are now at the top of the Nazi shit-list (as a cripple with a terrifying knowledge of Aktion T4, it’s kind of nice to see someone will be ahead of me in line to the death camp). Best of luck beating them, guys; I kind want to see if the Michigan Militia can operate without computers, cell phones, casings bought online, or any of the other trappings of the 21st century. I propose we take this one step further: de-state the motherfuckers. Strip them of their citizenship; forbid them from ever holding office or voting ever again, refuse to give them comfort, aid, or shelter; all of which is their favorite first-move with their Jewish victims. Imagine being in a country in which you pay taxes, but don’t enjoy the benefit of protections under the law. That’s the story of undocumented immigrants in America. Imagine a status in which you would face violent confrontations, but can’t call the cops, because you will immediately be at the top of the suspect list. That’s the story of BIPOC, LGBT+ folx, and sex workers. Imagine a country that you live in, but can be deported from, or held indefinitely in detention at a moment’s notice for any reason, or no reason. That’s the story of many immigrants to this country.

And, make no mistake, revoking every single person’s basic humanity and reducing this glorious planet to glass is absolutely the end-goal of fascism. They like to dress it up in bigotry, because it’s easier to organize mobs to go after Mexicans, Jewish folks, and black people than it is to say, “Death to all! Let nihilism rule!” Even though there has always been a strong strain of fascism — of one sort or another — in almost every civilization I can name, including America; we seem to be the only one that sees fascist domestic terrorism and shrugs with, “What are you gonna do?” Well, we can start by actually treating white supremacists and extremist militia groups as the gleeful wannabe cop-killers they now are, get to work prosecuting them all to the very fullest extent of the law, and eradicating the economic stagnation and educational inequities that allow such groups to flourish.

But that’s tomorrow. Today, we celebrate that Lady Gaga wore a Mockingjay-inspired outfit, that J. Lo screamed, “Let’s get loud!” during an inauguration, and that Biden is going to restore environmental protections, dismantle the horrifically nativist 1776 Commission, rejoin the Paris Accords, and start talking to the WHO, all on Day 1.



Patrick Koske-McBride

Science journalist, cancer survivor, biomedical consultant, the “Wednesday Addams of travel writers.”